Class ClientGmsImpl

  • public class ClientGmsImpl
    extends GmsImpl
    Client part of GMS. Whenever a new member wants to join a group, it starts in the CLIENT role. No multicasts to the group will be received and processed until the member has been joined and turned into a SERVER (either coordinator or participant, mostly just participant). This class only implements Join (called by clients who want to join a certain group, and ViewChange which is called by the coordinator that was contacted by this client, to tell the client what its initial membership is.
    Bela Ban
    • Constructor Detail

      • ClientGmsImpl

        public ClientGmsImpl​(GMS g)
    • Method Detail

      • init

        public void init()
                  throws java.lang.Exception
        init in class GmsImpl
      • joinInternal

        protected void joinInternal​(Address mbr,
                                    boolean joinWithStateTransfer)
        Makes this process join a group. Determines the coordinator and sends a JOIN request to it. The coordinator returns a JOIN response, then broadcasts the new view, which contains a message digest and the current membership (including the joiner). The joiner then installs the new view and the digest and starts accepting messages.
        If successful, impl is changed to an instance of ParticipantGmsImpl. Otherwise, we continue trying to send JOIN requests to the coordinator, until we succeed (or there is no member in the group. In this case, we create our own singleton group).
        mbr - Our own address
      • leave

        public void leave()
        Specified by:
        leave in class GmsImpl
      • installViewIfValidJoinRsp

        protected boolean installViewIfValidJoinRsp​(Promise<JoinRsp> join_promise,
                                                    boolean block_for_rsp)
      • firstOfAllClients

        protected boolean firstOfAllClients​(Address joiner,
                                            Responses rsps)
        Handles the case where no coord responses were received. Returns true if we became the coord (caller needs to terminate the join() call), or false when the caller needs to continue
      • isJoinResponseValid

        protected boolean isJoinResponseValid​(JoinRsp rsp)